Monday, October 25, 2010

Ode to my husband...

Disclaimer: I am not just trying to be cheesy with this post. I am not trying to suck up after a fight. I'm coming from a place of humility and awe, which struck me so hard today when we were at the doctor for Riley.

Riley has had a nasty cough for almost 2 months. He has gotten a croup-like cough every year since he was a baby. This Fall, however, has been the worst thus far and we've been up many nights because of this cough. I think between this and having a not-quite 6 month-old, I'm in a constant state of fatigue. :) We've seen the doctor on many occasions for this cough, but there isn't much you can do for a 3-and-a-1/2 year-old, so most of the time, we do nothing and just "keep an eye on it." Today though, after going to the park where they were putting down new mulch, the cough was at an all-time high. So I called the doctor AGAIN. The nurse heard him in the background and said, "Bring him in right now. That doesn't sound good."

Now, I didn't feel fear, I felt relief. But my independent and sometimes-stubborn Riley Bear did not want to go to the doctor and was letting me know with great volume. And I had just put Ava down for a much-needed nap about 15 minutes earlier. So she was crying as I got her in the carseat and Riley was crying because he didn't want to go get another shot (which happened last time at the doctor). So I was battling my own tears of frustration and fatigue, while trying to sound upbeat and positive to make this a good experience so everyone will just calm down.

Ryan had given a lot this weekend. He helped me shop for curtains, helped me hang the curtains, gave up some of his relaxing time to help me with tasks that he didn't really care that much about. And now here I was calling during work hours just to let him know that I was taking Riley to the doctor and we might not be home over lunch. He read me so right and heard the crying in the background, I'm sure and because it was over his lunch-break, he chose to meet us at the doctor, bringing candy as motivation and a pick-me-up for all of us.

Now, I met Ryan in 1997. I fell in love with Ryan in 1998. I have learned much since then, and other than my relationship with the Lord, nothing has brought me greater joy than doing life with Ryan. But honestly, life sometimes takes over and I forget to count my blessings. I take for granted that I have this amazing man that walks beside me. But today was an instance where I felt completely thankful and joyful beyond words as I watched him calmly handle Riley's fears, explain to him what was going to happen, hold him (so I could feed Ava who now not only missed a nap, but was late in eating) while Riley had a nebulizer treatment and tell him the longest, silliest, most interesting story to help pass the time. And Riley responded so positively and maturely to this doctor's appointment. He didn't want to go, but he embraced being a big boy and did an awesome job. He kept saying "I'm being brave like Curious George is brave."

I'm proud of my son, who followed the example and the leadership of his daddy. I admit to getting choked up while watching this scene in front of me, so thankful for Riley and ridiculously thankful for Ryan. I'm grateful to have a partner to do this life and parenting with, who knows me like no one else, responds to me like no one else and carries me when I need help. We joke that we can't wait for the empty nest years to be able to date each other again, but I believe that God designs it this way in that I learn from my husband, I gain greater respect for him during this season of young children so that by the time we're older and can focus on each other again, we have a lifetime of memories and stories that have grown the foundation of love. Ryan's determination to be a good dad, even amongst mistakes or challenges shows me his commitment to me, our kids and to the Lord. And his gracious love for me inspires me to be and do better and to relinquish control to the Lord.

So not just today, but all my days, I love my husband. He is an amazing dad, an accepting friend and a strong and supportive husband.

And I acknowledge humbly and gratefully that I am blessed...


Katy said...

Great post Missy. SO thankful for Ryan and the way he cares and loves you. Look forward to many more years of memories and hearing the stories of how God reveals Himself through each of you to show you His tenderness and love. Awesome blessing!

the barretts said...

love this.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the incredible blog post. I, as mom, am so thankful for the husband God has given my girl...and for my honey bee daughter. Thanks Ryan and Missy for sharing life together.