Monday, December 15, 2008

Random pics

It's been a while since I've posted... so let's catch up on the last month. :)

Just hangin' out...

One of Riley's favorite past-times: playing at the kitchen table

Dance Party USA...

You can see where he gets it...

Go Delps!

Wake up Daddy... no wait, Go To Sleep Daddy! (Still learning the "gentle" part - but we're getting better!)

Sing Along with me...

Monday, November 17, 2008

"He looks like he's from Michigan..."

...said Ryan.

Ah, music to my ears... even though we're in PA, it's nice to know that there's a little Michigan in my son.

Fun Times...

Here's some random fun moments.

Thank you Wiggles for this little tune... though Riley seems a bit shell-shocked through some of it. It think it's one of his favorite songs. Other than "Wheels on the Bus," which we'll try and capture for you soon...

Where's Riley? - a game that never gets old... to some, or should I say, to one... :)


Carter and Riley... and my WAY-OUT-OF-TUNE guitar...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Leaves they are a changing... still!

We're amazed that the color of the leaves still seems to be so beautiful! And we're trying to take full advantage of it! We've gone on many walks, some drives and some hikes... it's a beautiful Fall - no wonder it's my favorite time of year! It's starting to get a little colder out now so our walks are getting less and less and we're bundling up more and more. Why can't Fall last about another month?!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween it is for us...

Ryan's dream came true when we finally found a Yoda costume for Riley...

And Riley was so excited! We both thought he looked so cool, which enhanced his excitement just a bit... he loved seeing himself in the mirror and saying "ya-ya" which of course means Yoda.

We had fun seeing our neighbors and family - and Riley attempted saying Trick or Treat a few times, but it sounded more like "teet-teet."

Happy Halloween everyone!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Go Phillies!!

Phillies 2008 World Series Champs!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Riley and Carter have been getting together about twice a week since Riley was 6 months old. They are learning about friendship, sharing and getting along with others. Sometimes they do this so well, other times not so much. :) But either way, it's fun to watch their familiarity and friendship with one another grow...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Rainy Weekend at the Bay...

A bit of old news... but good news and I just wanted to share... so there... :)

We enjoyed our last hoorah at the Bay the last weekend of September. We were glad to have Grandmom and Pop Delp, Aunt Jenna and Great-Aunt Patti and Great-Uncle Doug there with us to call the summer to a close. We missed Uncle Tracy, but he was never far from Riley's mind... as he seemed to say "Tseet-See" a few times a day. :)

It was a bit rainy, so we had to make up our own fun at times...

We played some RockBand... and Riley really got into it!

A highlight was dancing with Doug!

We had a small break from the rain and had one last boat ride...

It was a good summer... and we're already excited for next year...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Words and Funny Things...

Riley's been learning so much lately... there are new words everyday. He's such a funny boy and seems to really have Daddy's sense of humor. He definitely keeps us laughing...

Parade of Joy

A better description could not be found... Mel and Scott's wedding was simply that... a parade of joy from beginning to end. My precious, beautiful sister is married. Her husband is an amazing man from an amazing family - a delightful addition to the sweetness of our existing family. I feel so blessed - and it's humbling...

I have been a part of some tremendous things in my short life of 30 years. And this weekend was another to add to the list. A few of my personal highlights include:
  • Driving to the church the day of the wedding with my two sisters, praying for Mel as we drove... kinda like we used to do going to school and spending time together when we were younger

  • The "Parade of Joy" as Mel so perfectly called it... the nieces and nephews walking down the aisle before her yelling "The Bride is coming!" (though you couldn't really hear them) and ringing their bells. Riley stood frozen in the aisle, happily ringing his bell... but not moving much. Thanks to Daddy being a good sport, Riley made it down the aisle looking over the heads of his cousins.

  • The look on Mel's face as she walked down the aisle. The look of Mom's and Dad's faces as they took part...

  • Seeing Scott's face during the congregational singing... face lifted to the heavens, big smile, eyes closed, singing his heart out... Mel and Scott love the Lord so beautifully...

  • Singing with more joy than I can explain at the wedding and the reception... at that point it was so not about my enjoyment of singing... it was all in admiration of what God had done in Mel and Scott's life thus far and what He'll continue to do in and through them in the future.

  • Holding onto my son and my husband during the slide show at the reception... I am so blessed...