Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The sickness is ALMOST over...

It's been a long, L-O-N-G sick season here at the Delps. One of us has had either a cold or the stomach flu non-stop since the week before Christmas. Riley is turning around (just a bit of a cough and occasional running nose now) and as of yesterday, I'm on drugs to help kick the crap out of me. Ryan is holding his own, still trying to get over the sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, wish you could get some rest, needing medicine feeling... BUT... for the first time in over a month, I feel HOPE that we won't be sick forever.

So all that to say, I haven't felt much like posting. So here are just some random pics from the last month.

Delp Christmas at our house Christmas morning...

Delp Christmas in Pennsylvania...

Domsten Christmas in Michigan...

Ah sickness means lying around and doing nothing... a whole lot...

So much so that you start to get Cabin Fever and do crazy things...

But friends make us feel so much better...

And a special thank you to Mom and Dad Delp... who sacrificed their own health to help us in the midst of an all-time low weekend when all three of us had some level of the stomach (and other places) flu. I seriously, wholeheartedly, humbly am so thankful for you both. Thank you for showing us such amazing love and care...

1 comment:

Josh, Jess and Jorja Behe said...

Glad you're all starting to feel better! It seems like everyone's sick lately.