Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Delp Look-alike Meter

So we copied this from friends of ours, but we'd love to know what you think... who does Riley look more like?

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Our cute Riley Bear...

Holding onto Fall... even though it's December...

This is an older post that didn't get up in time... so our Fall decorations are now down, we're ready for Christmas and from the feel of the weather outside, we're officially into Winter... But we sure enjoyed the Fall... it just never seems to last long enough...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanksmas 2007

We celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with the Domsten Family in Michigan last weekend. It was so fun to have everyone together and watch the cousins play, laugh with one another and simply enjoy this season of our lives.

To our crazy, beautiful and intimate family: We are so thankful for each of you. And while we are no longer physically together, our hearts remain with you...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Our House... Is a Very Very Very Fine House...

To my Domsten Family: Here are some videos of our house. Remember, it's a work in progress and we have lots of work planned for the New Year. But it's ours and we are so grateful for it. We are so excited to see you in a few weeks! Welcome to our humble home...

Monday, November 5, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Birthdays and sweet little Riley Bear

During my birthday date with my amazing husband, I was asked to share some of my highlights from the last year... and without hesitation, I thought of Riley and all the joy he has brought to our little family.

It's fun to have such contentment staying at home laughing and playing with my loving family. Here's some examples of my joy and our fun:

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Riley's Room

We were finally able to get Riley's new room painted and he couldn't wait to show it off!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Warning: Chubby Naked Baby Below

We knew early on that Riley loves to be naked. This is from when he was 2 1/2 months old.

And Oh how Riley loves his baths! Check out his man-boobs!! :)

Monday, October 1, 2007

What it takes to be a Mommy...

This is something I have long thought about, "prepared" for the best I knew how - and yet, I'm still learning each and every day what it really takes to be a Mommy... It goes so much deeper than any relationship I've known, beyond words, beyond expression. I love my husband with everything in me, but the love I have for Riley is different - and I can't even explain it. The weight of my love for Riley is heavy and while I'm constantly learning what that means, I'm humbled by it.

And yet, even with this amazing love, there are good days and bad days, frustration and joy. In my analytical mind, I've thought of these things that to me, begin to define motherhood; things that are not just endured, but somehow appreciated and cherished:

  • Getting up as many times as needed during the night, even if just for a comforting pat on the back or the affirmation that I'm there and somehow having the God-given patience and grace to go through the day without feeling sleepy
  • Comforting a snotty-nosed, watery eyed, spit-up smelling boy as he reaches up and pulls me in for an open-mouthed kiss
  • Trying to eat dinner with one hand because I've been away from Riley all day and we both just want to be as close as possible for a few minutes more, even at the most inconvenient times
  • Being the one to take over when he's at his worst, crying his hardest and yet somehow finding the grace and joy to comfort
  • Letting any glimpse of frustration melt away in seconds by observing toothless grins and smiley eyes directed at me
  • Holding Riley's hands so that he can stand and dance, watching him squeal with glee and excitement - just at being big enough to stand and do something on his own - seeing that he's already excited to no longer needing to be held. The process of letting go begins even now as I let him be him
  • Reading to him at bedtime, watching him cuddle into me as I hold him tight, singing and sharing smiles and hugs
  • Seeing his excitement the next morning as Mommy or Daddy enter the room, ready to do the same routines as the day before, but loving each repetitive moment

Despite any ounce of frustration and doubt of lost me-time and/or freedom, there is nothing like being a Mommy. The picture of God's love for me has grown and deepened. The idea of grace is refreshed each day as I see my own selfishness and sinfulness. The appreciation for my husband, who loves me so well and loves Riley in such tangible, real ways is humbling and rejuvinating.

Sometimes I've fought the thoughts of feeling that so many parts of my life have been hard... or should I say just not easy. And then I experience the love and respect and appreciation I have for Ryan and the adoration and contentment and joy I have in being Riley's mom... and well, I realize that while God may bless each of us differently and on different levels, I am indeed blessed.

Thank you, Lord, for my boys. I give them back to you and pray You'll give me grace upon grace in how I love and show love. You are so good to me...