Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lord, will you grow our faith and increase our love...

This is our prayer for 2011...

Lord, will you grow our faith and increase our love...

Throughout the year, I'll give tidbits into how we're doing and what God is showing us and teaching us in this area. This covers so many avenues, but so far, I've been reminded of my love for Ryan. Reflecting on 2010 was filled with so many emotions and through all of them, I am humbled and deeply grateful for doing life with Ryan. As we get older and face more of life's curve balls, I'm confident that God will provide, He'll allow what is best for us and what will ultimately bring Him glory.

So I was reading a Karen Kingsburgy fiction book called "Forever" a month ago or so and in it was this list. Funny place to get actual marital advice, but I admit that I even wrote these in my journal, and in my kids' journals. Good reminders for loving well...


"1. God has you here to serve one another. Love acted out is serving.

2. Women need respect and nurturing. Love your wife so she knows you'd lay your life down for her. Continue to date her and admire her. Share a hobby - find something you can do to have fun together.

3. Laugh often.

4. Be patient. Love crumbles quickly under the weight of unmet expectations.

5. Spend more time trying to fix yourself than your spouse.

6. Keep short accounts. The Bible says, "Do not let the sun go down while you are angry." Make it a habit to forgive.

7. Determine upfront that divorce is not an option.

8. Learn about love languages. Not all people show love or receive it the same way. You want a back rub and your spouse wants a clean kitchen. The love languages are fairly simple: acts of service, time, physical touch, gifts, and words of affirmation. Learn them. Love is better received when it's in the language that person speaks.

9. Words of affirmation are a love language for all men.

10. Men are born to be leaders. He cannot lead unless she gives him the confidence to do so. If you love your husband, build him up. Confident men do not seek love outside the home."

I'm so thankful for my husband. While marriage is not easy, I'm grateful that I know I am loved and that he strives to love me better each day, month, year. As we begin this New Year, I'm grateful for you, Ryan. I'm committed to loving you better as we grow older together, I'm excited about showing our children the realities and joys of relationships and the beauty of striving to do life God's way.

Here's to you, Ryan, may God continue to increase our love for each other and may we be creative in showing that love in random ways throughout this year...

1 comment:

the barretts said...

Love the new Blog look.
Love Karen K.
Love that you have a journal for the kids.
Love you.
thankful for you.