Thursday, May 20, 2010

And the lessons continue...

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." - Romans 15:5-6

God gives endurance and encouragement...

This struck me today in a special way. I'm in the midst of transition. Ava is just over 2 weeks old and we are adjusting to our new normal with a baby who seems to not be the mellow, simple girl I confess I was hoping for. Granted, she's only 2 weeks old, so who knows what she'll be like, and so some of these feelings I'm experiencing right now may very well be due to sleep-deprivation and hormonal changes that make me emotional and over-analytical. BUT, having a baby with an active 3-year old has so far been more difficult than I'd care for. :) Surprisingly though, it's not the 3-year old who is making it hard, it's the baby.

Riley has been so sweet and loving and understanding and patient. I have been surprised at how he thrives on helping and seems to be patiently accepting that Mommy can't play all the time. And he has developed more of an independent streak when it comes to playing, which I find absolutely wonderful. He has his rough times, but overall, he is handling this all very well.

Ava, however, has quite the pair of lungs and likes to hear herself cry apparently. She cries often and reaches rage rather quickly. Riley is even scared of her crying and we are learning to not scream when she cries, for then the whole family is stressed and chaotic! Remaining calm during her cries is our goal now - for all our sakes.

Yesterday I had a bit of a meltdown and couldn't hold back the tears. Tears of disappointment that God had given me another crying baby; tears of discouragement because I can't read her yet and don't know what to do to help her calm down; tears of sadness for not being able to play with my Riley-bear; and tears of exhaustion. Even though I know this is a temporary season, remaining hopeful and encouraged is more difficult than I'd like to admit.

So when I read the verses in Romans this morning, I found it very comforting to know that GOD is the one who gives endurance and encouragement. It's not something I need to do and find on my own. All I need to do is to cry out to Him and He will give me the strength I need for that moment. This lesson again... didn't I just learn this? I guess I didn't fully grasp it. His grace is sufficient. If I can focus on TODAY, not 3 months from now, I will get through this season with beautiful memories and stories at how God created our family of 4 to know and love each other for who He made us to be, not necessarily for who we want each other to be or what our expectations are.

In all things, He refines and grows us. And just like I'm trying to teach Riley: even when we're tired and grumpy, we still can make good choices of obedience and kindness. So Lord, here I am, committing to seek you for endurance and encouragement and not to try to do it all on my own...

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Oh Missy... i love you and thank you for your honesty. i wish i could help in a hands-on way...but i'm praying. can i call sometime? don't want to add to the chaos...but if you need or want to talk, you know where to find me. :)